Networking 2.0: How to Mingle in the New Millennium



Kerrie Metschan

ACFE Event Marketing Manager

When I look back to my early days of networking in the professional world, images of shoulder pad clad business suits, clunky shoes and dreaded panty hose come to mind. My mentor at the time advised me to get my business cards into as many hands as possible and to approach everyone with a firm handshake. My first networking event, a professional women’s mixer, left me with a shortage of business cards within the first hour. (Note to professionals just starting out: let the discussion lead to exchanging contact information; don’t shove your business card into every hand you shake!) 

A lot has changed since my early days of networking. I have gained a few more savvy tips and have lived to reap the benefits of investing my time and money into solid networking opportunities. With this in mind, we took a step back and considered a variety of fun and innovative networking tools to provide attendees at this year’s 22nd Annual ACFE Fraud Conference & Exhibition, June 12-17, in San Diego.

  • Network ahead of time in the ACFE’s LinkedIn group set up exclusively for attendees of the 22nd Annual ACFE Conference. There is quite a bit to talk about: this year’s keynote speakers (John Walsh and Lanny Breuer, just to name a couple), the impressive line-up of instructors, breakout sessions, and all of the fun planning to be done to ensure everyone takes advantage of some fun in the sun in beautiful San Diego.   
  • Safely and securely exchange contact information at the conference with a simple click of a button on the Mingle360. There will be no need to schlep around business cards or vendors’ collateral this year, as every attendee will receive a Mingle360 to record every connection you choose to make.

Be sure to visit to register or to learn more.

What is your favorite early memory of networking? Leave us your comments below.